Get your organization ready for a change

Get your organization ready for a change

Need and readiness to change

Pension providers are faced with the challenge to innovate because of pension fund participants increasingly needing individual schemes, interacting with their pension provider(s) in a different way, because of the changing laws and regulations, and the increasing amount of data that needs to be managed. This results in investments in (new) administration systems, (possibly) changes in associated processes and in procedures. The previously mentioned social and technological developments mean that organizations need to adapt to their external environment: their stakeholders, the employers that are affiliated with them and the pension fund participants. Translating the adjustments in the external environment to the internal organization – a change in the organization – enables the organization to operate as effectively and efficiently as possible in the changing circumstances. This necessary progress of an organization requires a positive contribution from management and employees in all phases of the change process and a readiness to change.

Motivators to change

The readiness of employees and managers to change is determined by the motivators: “want (to change)”, “must (change)” and “can (change”). A change process is not only about changing behavior, but a change in behavior is a precondition for improving the results of the organization. By measuring the underlying factors of “want”, “must” and “can” and comparing them with the standards, it becomes clear for which building blocks of change readiness, interventions are desired in the various stages of the change process, at individual level, at team level and or at organizational level.

Resolving blockages in the change process

By focusing on the success factors of the change process, and by prioritizing support and commitment of the organization, Evidence Based Change Management according to the DINAMO* approach ensures that blockages or impediments in the change process can be resolved. At an individual level, we look at the perception, feeling and experiences of an individual employee regarding the organizational change that is taking place. At team level, it concerns factors related to the quality of the collaboration within the team, with special attention to the influence of the manager on the climate within the team. At the organizational level, attention is paid to organizational cultures, the competencies of the organization and the willingness and readiness of management to change. Because employees and managers can have an ambivalent attitude to change depending on different aspects and points of view, the multidimensional approach of the DINAMO* approach offers a solution in this regard, while defending a positive view on resistance as a source of relevant information. Depending on the type of change process, results can be improved e.g., in the field customer focus, finance (turnover and profit), quality or efficiency or employee satisfaction. 

Our approach to Evidence Based Change Management 

Based on your specific situation and change requirements, we map out the desired situation, including the applicable standards, together with you for your organization. In addition, we examine the actual attitude towards the desired situation, as well as the current readiness to change to the desired situation by means of the DINAMO* scan, in a confidential manner. The outcomes are compared and analyzed, and the relationship between the gaps in the outcomes is examined. Based on this, advice is drawn up to prepare your organization for change and to anchor that change in a sustainable way.

Of course, we also offer the option of support for part of your change activities.


Is your organization at the start of a change process and does the above view and approach appeal to you? Or do you have challenges in a current change process? Please feel free to contact us to find out more, or to discuss your specific situation.