Digital Resilience

Digital Resilience

What about your digital resilience?

The digital transformation of your business is inevitable to become a smart enterprise. We can help you managing your threats in order to explore your digital opportunities.

Mutual drivers for co-creation

The next wave of your innovation and your growth will likely involve intelligent analytics, digital marketing, rich mobile experiences, and “one touch” processes that require no further manual intervention and increase your (digital) customer engagement. 

Your success will depend on gaining and/or maintaining trust: your business customers will accept nothing less than that you are always “ON” and your company protects their highly sensitive data carefully in the hyper connected information systems powering the digital economy. Furthermore, they expect that your company is complaint with applicable laws and regulations.

We are convinced, based on years of experience, that we have to move beyond traditional models that make cyber security a control function toward what we call digital resilience: the revitalized ability to design business processes, applications, technology architectures, and defenses with the continuous protection of your critical information assets in mind (confidentiality, integrity and availability). 

Of course, we are not able to make your company digitally resilient solely, i.c. without your employees and without your business finesse. But together we can make significant and structural steps forward such that you can explore your digital opportunities in a controlled manner!

Our principles

Our principles to manage your Digital Resilience are quite “straight forward” but proven to be effective.

Understand your valuable business outcomes
We help you protecting your valuable digital business outcomes. But before you can protect your valuable business outcomes properly we help you to understand how your vital information flows in digital business and what should be done to become and to remain resilient but preserving your agility.

Risk-based thinking “by design”
Risk-based thinking is in our DNA and we start thinking when an idea is created. We facilitate you understanding the major risks your business faces and prioritizing controls and investments to achieve your business objectives and to be(come) complaint with applicable laws and regulations.

People-centric approach
We believe in a people-centric approach on top of solid technology. Our balanced approach underscores individual responsibility and de-emphasizes restrictive controls by shaping and stimulating vigilant behavior and adequate learning.

Increase your preparedness for the inevitable evil
In the digital world the pace of changes will be too fast to fully defend against every type of evil. Together with you we increase your preparedness to bridge the gaps for key preventative, detective and responsive controls in accordance with your risk appetite.

Our approach

Digital Resilience is seamless embedded in our Smart Enterprise Transformation Approach. We recognize and emphasize 5 different stages in our approach: Prepare, Protect, Detect, Respond and Optimize.

We stay in dialogue with you. Before, during and after our engagements we co-create and compose with your people appropriate solutions to make the step to the next maturity level on the way to a smarter enterprise.

Maturity Assessment

Would you like to know what your actual maturity level is with respect to information security or digital resilience? COMPOSIT can conduct a maturity assessment. It is a comprehensive risk assessment of your organization’s capability and readiness to prevent, control, detect and respond to threats to your (vital) information assets.

We assess the effectiveness and reliability of key controls for Governance, Organization, Risk Management, Human Resources, Configuration Management, Incident & Problem Management, Change Management, System Development, Data Management, Identity & Access Management, Security Management, Physical Security, Computer Operations, Business Continuity Management and Supply Chain Management.

Based on our assessment we compose a smart report giving you insight in your maturity, risks and improvement areas. And of course, we provide you with an actionable roadmap that also contributes to your objectives and ambitions.

More information

Please contact us if you are interested to know more about Digital Resilience or in case you have additional questions.