Why should COMPOSIT make your enterprise smarter?
In these times, where actual knowledge and right competences are vital for organizations to keep pace with ever faster developments and changes in your business environment, COMPOSIT believes that only Smart Enterprises can survive.
By making your enterprise smarter, we safeguard continuous agility and resilience for the future readiness of your enterprise and related business operations. With that COMPOSIT also increases the viability of its own organization to remain relevant for the next decades: Our viability contributes to your future readiness!
Concept of the Smart Enterprise
“Smart Enterprises are learning organizations that are knowledge driven, internet-worked and dynamically adaptive to new organizational forms and practices, learning as well as agile in their ability to create and exploit the opportunities offered.
A Smart Enterprise is characterized by a simplified organization-structure with complete labor-tasks. The effectiveness of organization-elements and their relations are essential for organizations to survive and innovate. Flexibility requires resilience. Smart Enterprises have learning and knowledge-creation as the starting point for their innovation.
COMPOSIT believes that to get our customers “fit for future”, co-creation with our customers and our partners is essential.”
COMPOSIT believes that to get our customers “fit for future”, co-creation with our customers and our partners is essential for success and long-term relationships. Based on COMPOSIT’s available knowledge,experience and practices, our primairy focus is on the Financial Services and Healthcare industries.

NEC Gold Partner
As a NEC Gold Partner & NEC Agent, COMPOSIT Technology Engineering powers digital innovation and digital transformation with our clients.
COMPOSIT is set up to act as a cooperation serving co-creation. We establish co-creation with our clients and NEC’s partner-ecosystem.